Call for Abstract

World Summit on Sustainable Materials , will be organized around the theme “Latest Innovations in sustainable materials for sustainable world”

Sustainable Materials 2022 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Sustainable Materials 2022

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.

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The current need of the world is more sustainable materials to help protect the planet. For this bio-derived materials are potential option which is inexpensive. There were several research has been done with concept to up cycle biomass into new reformed products. Lignin is one such which provides stiffness and strength obtained from trees and plants and leftover waster from paper industry. It helps to reduce the burden of Microplastics.

Production and knowledge of new materials have played a significant role in the progress of the society through history ranging from extraction or ore to manufacturing of the small materials. There are several materials which are impacting environment whose wastes amounts to billion tonnes resulting in heavy burden, greenhouse gas emission and exploitation of conventional energy. The current issues are to storage, conversion and distribution of clean energy and replace rare energy and toxic substances with sustainable materials.

Concrete frequently begins to crumble and crack after several decades, but several ancient structures exhibit excellent durability which creates more curiosity nowadays to study them to find the features and type of material used for constructions to make it stay many decades. The understanding of science behind the structures will pave a new way for current sustainable constructions materials research. Research is going on “Bacteria capacity to help build sustainable materials which will be eco-friendly.

Researchers are working to develop sulphur cathode which operates in the carbonate electrolyte used in industrial Li-ion batteries for thousands of cycles, opening the door for new environmentally friendly battery options. Sulphur’s is used to store more energy due to structure and abundance. Current growing demands of Electrical vehicles have paved the way to find sustainable source of battery technology.

Use of computer algorithms with the help of real experimental data for find the genes in host organism and then switching on or off for redirecting them to produce high quantities to required compound. There are several research are going on in this field with distinct microbes to find results. This could be promising biofuel, flame-retardant materials constituents, or nylon precursors. It includes plant based plastics than single-use plastics.


Sustainable materials has taken prominent space in current time, but shifting from modern to natural sources for sustainable practices and alternate energy to reduce waste and pollution. It includes less sustainable awareness, end-to-end engineering, lack of benchmarks, lack of support, weak legislation, technology risk, implementation and operating issues, and less service orientation

Nature is the best inspiration to do or manufacture anything. Science is best to find the science behind nature to find nature’s secrets on the ways to harvest light and use the process to transform the process of solar energy technologies to combat rising global temperatures. The concept of a protective scaffold is being explored to find the artificial light-harvesting antenna.

Numerous worldwide issues might be solved with nanomaterials. Toxic, non-renewable, and unsustainable cycles, goods, and waste, however, were generally outside the purview of green science and sustainability in their events and implementation. These do not fall within the umbrella of sustainable development on a global scale. Developing green processes and products is essential for lowering threats to human health and the environment.

Sustainable progress is a globally recognised system that includes green or environmentally friendly industrial processes. Such methods are consistent with the capacity of regular biological systems to heal and rejuvenate. Green assembly includes testing, execution assessment, and dependability in addition to union, planning, manufacturing, and cycle shortening.

Smart materials are being employed to create treatment frameworks that are more affordable and high-performing as well as instantaneous and on-going water quality monitoring techniques. In water research, smart materials are frequently used for treatment, clean, and pollution prevention. Smart materials allow for the maintenance of water quality, accessibility, and logical consistency.

The development of "green" and "clean" developments with major environmental benefits will be greatly impacted by nanotechnologies. The best examples are nanotechnology uses in fields like hydrogen applications, energy production, and water purification. In fact, it is anticipated that the first significant commercial applications of nanotechnology will be in the area of renewable energy

Several engine manufacturers are concerned about the development of fibre-reinforced ceramics-ceramic matrix composites, which is one of the significant developments. Designers' preferences are obvious: this material class is particularly intriguing as a construction material because of its low explicit weight, good explicit quality over a wide temperature range, and superior damage tolerance compared to monolithic ceramics.